In these writings you will find my thoughts. Thoughts about life, love, intimacy, meaning, success, failure and everything in between. For the past 18 years or so I have been a slave to the awful master that is sexual compulsion. I have decided to take control of my life leave this compulsion behind. I'm taking a vacation...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 2- Fantasy and Evolution

Beautiful women everywhere.  Where have they been?  Where have the come from?  Or have I just not noticed them because during the winter months they weren't quite as scantily clad?  I'm not sure, but even on a not-so-warm day like today, gorgeous women are everywhere.  There is one in line at the coffee shop right now at whom I cannot stop sneaking glances.  Summer dress that shows off the beautiful curves of her ass just enough to excite the imagination.

What's the difference between being a totally sex-obsessed pervert and simply being a human being?  Where is the line?  Some would say I'm simply a human animal and that being so sexually driven and drawn to gorgeous women is in my nature.  Then why the guilt?  Religously and culturally imposed?  Could be.  But I also think that there is a certain line that doesn't need to be crossed when it comes to sexual compulsion.

It's like a short circuit.  At some point you do it enough and instead of seeking it out with another person for the purposes of procreation or the sharing of pleasure and love, you begin to only do it in a solitary setting.  The irony?  You're fantasizing about doing it with another, but whenever the opportunity to actually experience that comes along, it never compares to what you have built up in your head.

So yes, one could argue that sexual compulsion (and even masturbation) occurs in other animals.  One could then argue that since we are merely animals as well that compulsive behavior such as that is healthy.  But here's where I think the differentiation takes place- fantasy.  There are plenty of animals out there who participate in the act of self-pleasure.  In fact, a quick google search revealed this interesting article:

But the million-dollar question is this: Do they fantasize?  I'm pretty sure science either does not have the answer for this or has not investigated it yet, but I can't imagine that animals do such a thing.  It is most likely just an instinctive behavior that is in their genes.  So what about our genes?  Is fantasizing built into our DNA, or is it something we learn as a coping mechanism?  I can think of no better way to escape emotional, spiritual or physical distress than to get lost in thought about a non-existent situation that is far more comforting than present circumstances.  This is because I have done this regularly for almost two decades.

I can't imagine that fantasy is built into us from the get go.  It does not seem to serve our evolutionary purposes.  If the ultimate goal of biology, genetics and "survival of the fittest" is to spread your seed and genes as far and wide as possible, then the act of fantasizing- taking you out of the real-world present moment and thus any opportunities for mating/procreation- would seem to work against that goal.  A squirrel sitting in his nest and fantasizing about tapping some sweet girl-squirrel ass, but never actually getting out there and doing it, is unlikely to have his genes continue on for very long.  Similarly, a guy who sits at home and gets off to the fantasies that porn provides is probably not going to end up getting laid in real life and having children.

When thinking about all of this, it occurs to me that fantasy is contrary to evolution.  Which do I want to do?  Continue to evolve, grow and learn or sit at home and continue to get lost and get off in fantasy?  The choice is mine.

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